Global Sports Superstars and Their Charity Foundations
Being a celebrity is never that easy as you are always on the spotlight. Apart from the glamour there are a lot of negativity for instance, destroyed cell phones, fights, suspensions and other questionable events in the sporting arena. Most celebrities have their own way of giving back to the society through charities. Charity can be in many forms that is monetary and time. Top celebrities are using their salary and stature to better the world in one way or another. Whether it is working with children or the disadvantaged these charities are transforming the lives of many around the globe.
Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano is one of the most charitable sports stars around the globe having donated millions of pounds to worthy causes. Being one of the most successful footballers of his generation he is regarded as the most charitable sportsman topping the list of Athletes Gone Good.
Serena Williams

Serena Williams is the most successful tennis player and also very generous in donating to worthy causes. She is Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF supporting the education of children in Asia. She also has her own foundation that focuses on the education of children. The foundation helps kids from unable families to get to college and also provides legal aid for families at the poverty level. Through the foundation, the generosity of serena has provided funding for immunizing programs in Ghana and Kenya as well the support of Big Brothers Big Sisters program, Elton John Aids Foundation and Hearts of Gold among many more. She is one of those athletes who are devoted to helping people around the globe.
Colin Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick is an NFL superstar who is not afraid to stand for what he believes is right whether its popular or not. The superstar is known to give of his wealth as devoting his time to charitable causes. Recently he made a commitment of donating a million dollars to help charitable organizations that help people and communities which are considered to be oppressed. Some of the charities he supports include Home2Heart organizations that help Atlanta’s single moms acquire beds as well as necessary furnishing while supporting new York’s coalition of Homeless charity.
Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey is a UFC star who has a big heart when it comes to helping the disadvantaged. She is very generous both with her time and money and she has started a Foundation that helps the underprivileged get mental health and services that they need. She started the Gompers judo program which donates time and funding for the Free Rice campaign. Some of Rousey’s activism and philanthropic work has come under scrutiny. Her charity campaign for Don’t be a #DNB (Do Nothing Bitch) which raised money for womens’ organizations. Although the slogan was controversial the campaign was hugely successful. She also received further criticism when associating with a dating app known as meet and fuck which is geared toward hookup culture and aligns with her beliefs about feminism and sexual liberty. Of course this was found controversial by many, but controversy often draws attentions which is effective when attempting to raise money.
Lebron James

Lebron James is an NBA superstar who despite not having a wealthy background has worked had to become one of the most celebrated basketball players of all time. Through his career he has acquired immense wealth but he has never forgotten where he comes from. He understands what it means to be impoverished being the son of a struggling mother who let Lebron move in with a family. He not only gives financial aid but also immense amount of his time to charity. He established the Lebron James Family Foundation which raise money and donates it to diverse charities that helps kids that are at risk in Akron area. The kids benefit with after school programs, activities and scholarships to universities in Akron.
John Cena

John Cena is a very big name in WWE and has been involved in charity where he has established his own Wish Foundation. He dedicates his time in fundraising events and also helps to fulfill his wishes of children who want to spend little time with the celebrated wrestler. He also supports the Susan G. Komen organization that raises funds for breast cancer awareness campaigns. He has also raised millions of dollars for the charity.
Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps is star athlete who is generosity extends to supporting charities. He has established his own charity Foundation that helps underprivileged children. He likes to give back to the community especially kids and has provided a sponsor bonus of a million donors in his charity foundation. The Foundation helps kids with medical conditions and he has also donated to the make a Wish foundation.
Carlos Beltran

Carlos Beltran received the SI’s Hope Award in 2017 and has been recognized for his kindness and generosity. He is very fierce when it comes to alerting the world about Puerto Rico who are in need of help in the Aftermath of hurricane Maria. After the devastating storm that left many people homeless and claimed the lives of others, he saw the plight and chose to help. The star donated a million dollars of his own money to charity fundraising that brought aid to the people.
Neymar Jr

Neymar Jr is a Brazilian Footballer who has founded his own charity organization known as the Neymar Jr. Project Institute. Its charity funds some of the most crucial resources on the earth that are in need. It basically aims at providing clean and fresh water to areas that are experiencing scarcity of the resource. There are several places around the world that lack the privilege of enjoying the luxury of clean and fresh water in abundance.
Tiger Woods

Tiger woods is known as the best golfer in the world and it has made him, one of the richest athletes in the world. He has been participating in various charitable activities around the world. He established the tiger woods foundation that helps poor kids get education. The foundation focuses on providing education to the needy as well as health and donating funds to the Shriners hospitals for kids.
David Beckham

One of the most successful footballers in the world David Beckham is not only good in the field but also in raising funds for charity. He is very generous and has established the Victoria and David Beckham Charitable Trust. The organization focuses on providing wheelchairs as well as other support to kids who are in need. He supports UNICEF, Red Cross, Peace one Day, Elton John Foundation and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.